Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hello Cleveland!

Okay, so maybe not just Cleveland. How about “Hello, World!” Yeah, that works for me.

Just returned home from the Doheny Blues Festival last night and I’ve spent the day doing a little much-needed R&R. Don’t worry, I have photos and a delicious wrap up in store for you.

I’d really like to thank the many, many people at Doheny who graciously made room for me, the backpack, and my camera and helped me get to the front of the stage for a song or two. Some of you introduced yourselves, some of you didn’t. Either way, thank you!

I also really want to thank the people behind the scenes at Doheny for putting on a great festival. From the folks who booked the acts to the folks who were cleaning port-a-potties, it took the efforts of a lot of great people to keep things running and to run them successfully.

Whilst I go about the business of creating something coherent out of the lovely jumble in my head, enjoy this wonderful clip of Jackie Greene (one of my personal favorites from the weekend) singing a song I really like. (Video from YouTube of his performance in Rothbury in 2009.)

(PJPook Jackie Greene – “I Don’t Live On The Moon”)

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