Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Two-fer Tuesdays: Tab Benoit

It's been snowing here in Vegas and I wanna warm up a bit. No better way to do that than with some hot Cajun goodness!

I have a lot of favorites, but I love "Solid Simple Things" especially. Nothing fancy, just...solid...simple...

I'm also partial to "When A Cajun Man Gets The Blues".

I've been fortunate enough to see Tab a few times and to even take my son to see him. The man puts on a good show! If you ever get the chance to see him, RUN...don't walk. It's totally worth it.


A family favorite.


pamibe said...

Solid Simple Things just may be my favorite! Love the song and it doesn't hurt that the man is dead sexy. ;)

Stu said...

Good stuff! Love his vintage Thinline Tele...I wonder what year that one is?

Joanie said...

Pam, agreed. And speechless. lol

Stu, no clue. But I do know I like the way he plays it.

T-Bone said...

Stu, I've read in a couple of interviews that it's a 1972. I LOVE Tab! I've seen him a few times and he always puts on a great show.