Never. NEVER!
Growing up, there were all sorts of women's voices coming out of the radio, but none were as strong as those of Ann and Nancy Wilson. Sure there were "Dreamboat Annie" and "Dog and Butterfly", but there were also kick ass songs like "Barracuda", "Kick It Out", "Magic Man", "Crazy On You", "Heartless", and "Straight On". Those were songs you weren't hearing from anyone else. The Wilson sisters stoked the flames of indepence in a young girl's heart, even while allowing her to dream of the sweeter, more romantic side of life.
Thank God these ladies are still rockin' it out. Where would we be without them?
Don't know what went wrong between the Wilson/Crowes, but somehow or other, they're gonna have to split everything up...they're gonna have to even it out in divorce court.
Hey you! Yes, you, Nancy! Shine on.
We need one more, don't we? Yeah. Can't leave things so mellow. I mean, WTF is up with that?
Ever hear the Wilson sisters' rendition of The Battle of Evermore? Did a brief post with that video a week or two ago. Classic, even better than the original (and that says a lot).
Yep, love that version. I almost included it, too.
Love Heart! Wow, memories....
Pam, they're like...they said everything we girls wanted to say with all the power to the words...and they didn't have to go operatic like Pat Benatar to do it. I think that's why they resonate so much for me.
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